binary one

A Professional Bunch Of Expert Offerings World Class Services To Our Satisfied Customers

A trusted and reliable brand in the domain of IT Services for consulting, data security, design, development, process optimization, and vertical-specific solutions in banking, healthcare, education, eCommerce, enterprise learning, etc.


Develop and offer the best in class services and solutions. Remain the preferred provider for our clients and partners. Ensure professionalism, constant improvement, integrity and remain cost effecive in offering result oriented services and solutions.


Committed to the constant uplift and improvements in the services we provide to our clients. Ensure a robust and advanced solutions development to remain one of the best choice for our clients and partners.

binary one

Solutions and Services

The integration and security of IT systems is one of the major issues in this new era of remote and hybrid working. Application and data security, usability of design, development features, user interface, and user experience are only a few examples. Many users complained that it takes days, hours, or even weeks to resolve these straightforward problems. As a result, productivity and engagement suffer, and the service desk is forced to deal with a lot of labor-intensive manual remediation.
Data and application security was the focus of BinaryONE’s incorporation, and the company has successfully expanded into design, development, and other related services. We promise to deliver cutting-edge and effective services, coordinated by a team of visionary members with more than 25 years.

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Data Protection and information life cycle management

Data protection and availability is a key components of business continuity with the main goal to safeguard important data from destruction, Read More >>

Data Security App / NW

Data security refers to the process of protecting data from unauthorized access and data corruption throughout its lifecycle. Data security includes data encryption, hashing, tokenization, and key management Read More >>


Due to the restriction of x86 servers, many IT companies install a couple of servers that run at a fragment of their capacity, to meet Read More >>

Migration Services

Movement of data from on location to another by different methods. We offer not only just a movement of data but rapid, Read More >>


Binaryone offers SLA depending on signed agreement with the customer and as per the customer’s requirements. SLAs may include the following Read More >>

binary one

The Solutions
We Provide

Secure homegrown applications

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Secure homegrown applications

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

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We provide
agile framework

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Secure open
source tools

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Consultancy in software development

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

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Technology Partners

and Integration

Binary One has been working with the giants in the related areas of our
expertise. Our experienced team members has successfully completed
projects for small to large size organizations, helping them achieve
their goals and ambitions in right time and budget.

    binary one

    Covers the
    Market Gaps

    BinaryONE service is not a manufacturer, we do not develop any products, we only deploy and manage them, and we are very few of them who are doing this. Our USP is our expertise and 34 years of
    combined experience of our team, our refernces, customer
    satisfaction, product knowledge and our post sales capability.

    Key Point is at a time when most players in the market are busy in selling products and diluting their customer service offering by
    limiting it to basic”product”support,and charging for expections,
    Binaryone will continue to deliver full”customer” support as part
    of the only solutions.

    • 5 x 9 x NBD response time
    • 5 x 9 x 4 hours response time
    • 7 x 24 x 2 hours response time
    • Standarized response time to customer calls

    binary one

    Ready to
    Get Started

    It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable
    content of a page when looking at its layout.

    Schedule a Meeting

    binary one


    Mr. Kareem Abdul Fattah
    Cheif Imformation Manager

    I am really delighted to write this for Binary One team, they helped us reach the highest achievement in terms of compliance to the security framework for system audit by a leading globlar firm. Well done Binary One.

    Ms. Fadwa Alnawi
    IT Manager

    We went into this project thinking that low budget and difficult tasks in a short time are not possible to achieve but work around data protection and security management is really top notch. Full satsified and will work again with them.

    Mr. Abdulaziz Thumairi
    CSO Manager

    Best security and data management team out there. Amazing results over a very short period. We really are amazed by the excellent support provided by the Binary One.